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Blog Commenting Search Query Tricks.

Blog Commenting is one of the most popular link building processes. Today, I will share some blog commenting search query tricks which help you to find your niche related blog site. So, let's jump to the main section.

The most used search query tricks are:

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogger”

“Keyword” “Powered By WordPress”

“Keyword” “Powered By Typepad”

“Keyword” “Powered By Drupal”

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogengine”

“Keyword” “Powered By Movabletype

Instead of keywords, enter the keyword you are working with. For example: Here's how to search for your keyword "SEO Experts in London":  SEO Experts in London "powered by blogger".

If your keyword is "Affordable SEO in London" then your search query will be- affordable SEO in London "powered by blogger" Hope you understand. Here are some more blog commenting search query tricks.

Keyword "Allowed HTML tags:"

Keyword site:.edu inurl:blog "post a comment" -"you must be logged in"

Keyword site:.gov inurl:blog "post a comment" -"you must be logged in"

Keyword "angelae8654"

Keyword "This blog uses premium CommentLuv" -"The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported."

Keyword "Notify me of follow-up comments?" "Submit the word you see below:"

Keyword "powered by expressionengine"

Keyword site:hubpages.com "hot hubs"

Keyword "Enter YourName@YourKeywords"

Keyword "get livefyre" "comment help" -"Comments have been disabled for this post"

Keyword "add to this list" site:squidoo.com

inurl: blog”guest house” comment query

site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + keyword

site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + commentluv enabled

“Add comment” Your Keywords

“Post comment” Your Keywords

“Write comment” Your Keywords

Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”

Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”

Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”

Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”

Your Keywords “You can use these tags”

Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”

Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”

Your Keywords “top commenter”

So far this day. See you later Inshallah.


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