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iPhone 8 rumors: Wireless charging may be delayed and get ready to shell out big bucks

Image resultsUpdated July 10, 2017, with some speculation from Daring Fireball’s John Gruber. He thinks wireless charging will be delayed and the new iPhone will start at—wait for it...$1,200! Go to the “What’s the latest?” section just below for more details. Poor iPhone 7—we’re only halfway through its first year and it’s already totally overshadowed by whatever is coming next. After all, 2017 marks the iPhone’s 10th birthday, so Apple is reportedly gearing up to make its anniversary edition extra special.
We’ll keep track of the latest rumors and how plausible they are, and we’ll put them in one spot (this one!) so you can pop on over whenever you want to read the latest.
If you passed on the iPhone 7 to wait for the iPhone 8—or the iPhone 7s or whatever name Apple decides to use—it sounds like the next phone could be the design refresh you were waiting for. Just don’t expect the headphone jack to return.

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